
Effective note taking for college students
Effective note taking for college students

Lecture slides are usually an outline of the lecture content. You’ll get most out of lectures if you do both, but don’t focus on getting everything down to the extent that you miss what the lecturer is saying-remember that actively listening and thinking are what is important. Taking notes vs listening: which is more important?

  • Notes taken in classes often contain information that can’t be found elsewhere.
  • Notes create a resource for exam preparation.
  • Selecting what to note down increases your understanding.
  • Taking notes helps you to concentrate and listen effectively.
  • Writing notes helps you remember what you heard.
  • Notes are a useful record of key information, and the sources of that information.
  • effective note taking for college students

    It helps you distinguish where your ideas came from and how and what you think about those ideas. Taking reliable, accurate notes also reduces the risk of plagiarising. Good note-taking allows a permanent record of key information that you can integrate with your own writing, and use for exam revision. Taking effective notes in lectures and tutorials is an essential skill for university study. News & opportunities Expand menu for News & opportunities.Campus Life Expand menu for Campus Life.Wellbeing & health Expand menu for Wellbeing & health.

    effective note taking for college students

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    Effective note taking for college students